The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 10: Turn 11 & 12 - 4th September 1943

Hey, we killed two of them!

Some good hits here.

We hit the Germans again, and they hold, but they are weakening.

The next wave sends them fleeing across the straits. Sicily is ours! I'm behind schedule, but I've netted a lot more men than the historical invasion.

As some of you may have guessed, my air drop plans are to far behind my lines to work, so I'll have to wait for the invasion force to be ready.

Most units are now getting close to being ready for the next phase of the invasion, the last is at 35 prep, so it will be a few weeks before I can go, so I'm going to run an empty turn. This is later than I would have liked, but I have no idea how to do this any quicker using the game engine! I could use less men in the first wave, but that would be suicide going for Rome in my opinion.

This has to be counting air crews as well.

Getting ready for the big show.

The RAF spread the pain.

The 8th Airforce target two facilities and hammer them.

I have 4 divisions ready to go, and a fifth at 42% I want all 5 divisions ready to go.

The men on Sicily are ready to go, and those who fought hard at Messina are on refit.

Yeah, this screen is weird.